Friday, August 15, 2003

Evaluating Job Offers — Is This the One?

Congratulations on receiving that job offer! But is it the right one for you? Even in today's economy, it's important to evaluate everything about the offers you receive before you accept or decline them. Overall, you need to ask: does the offer match the criteria you are looking for in a job ? and in an employer?

The Job and Career Development
First, determine whether you even want the job being offered. You know the employer is interested in you. Evaluate the projects you would be given and the kinds of responsibilities you would have. To be happy at work, you have to like what you are doing, enjoy using your skills, and get along with your coworkers. Review the job description carefully and be sure you have a passionate interest in doing the work required for the position. Ask yourself:

- Is this the best career opportunity for me now?
- Would I like doing this job?
- Does the position match my skills, interests and career goals?
- Will I be challenged intellectually?
- Do I understand the job description and responsibilities?
- Would the work assignments be project-based or routine?
- Will I get to work with the latest technology?
- Will I be able to keep my skills up to date?
- Will the employer offer professional training and development?
- What is the potential for career advancement?
- How will this job build my resume for future jobs?
- Would this job allow me to enjoy the lifestyle I want?
- Would I be happy working for this company and in this position?

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