Thursday, August 21, 2003

Apache, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin

Securing Apache, MySQL, phpMyAdmin

Installing and securing phpMyAdmin

Apache/PHP/MYSQL installatin Guide

Apache .htaccess Password protection

phpMyAdmin's MIME-transformations & PDF-features
If your MySQL server is on a windows machine please pay attention to the naming scheme of these tables. There is a default directive lower_case_table_names in your my.ini/my.cnf file, which is set to '1'. This leads to MySQL converting all characters to lowercase and will result in trouble with the mixed casing of phpMyAdmin. Either set the variable to 0 (OFF) (if you have access to the configuration) or adjust the create_tables.sql to only use lowercase table names.
Note: Windows MySQL servers are seldom used in production environments, so the phpMyAdmin default obeys standard Linux naming schemes.

Transformation options
text/plain: dateformat Takes a TIME, TIMESTAMP or DATETIME field and formats it using your local dateformat. First option is the offset (in hours) which will be added to the timestamp (Default: 0). Second option is a different dateformat according to the parameters available for PHPs strftime().
'0','%A, %Y.%m.%d %H:%m:%S'

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