Tuesday, November 04, 2003

An Analysis on Malaysia Education System

By Suresh Gnasegarah :

When Asiaweek conducted the Austral-Asia University survey three years ago, the University of Malaya was ranked number 47. The National University of Singapore was ranked number 5 and Kyoto University clinched the top spot. That survey was the last survey done of universities within the Austral-Asia region in the last few years.

But let me add some context to this article.

- I studied in a local private university - Multimedia University
- I represented Multimedia University in debating tournaments all around the world and have been in constant contact with students from diverse range of universities globally.
- I have a PTPTN loan on my head.
- I was from a breed of student that felt the system was impeding too much into my lifestyle.
- I find the findings of administration abuse in UM not surprising.

The key point here is that I've been through the drill. I know what it is like growing up within the context of the Asian education system and how the system encourages one to conform rather than explore. Somebody once told me, that in university, the lecturers are just supposed to lead you to the window, open it and then let you roam within the boundaries of it. As you move higher up the academic ranks, the boundaries get broader and broader up till the point where iit doesn't bug you anymore.

In Asia it's a whole different context. Lecturers are not only expected to open the window, but to hold the hands, guide, ensure that the students get good grades and punish extra effort because it "adds to the work load".

To read on ...

Anyone have any ideas on "How we can change our ATTITUDE?

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