Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Newborn Baby Burping, Hiccups and Spitting Up

We are first time parent, taking care of new born baby is really a challenging task.
We learned that help baby to burp is very very important for them to sleep well, eat well, and STOP CRYING.
During feedings, newborn babies swallow milk and air. Air in the stomach can make your baby feel full and uncomfortable. This may cause your baby to stop feeding too soon. Burping will help your baby bring up excess air and keeps your baby comfortable.
Pat, gently rub, or apply gentle pressure on the back with your hand.

There are 3 ways to burp your baby:

(i) Over The Shoulder

Hold your baby firmly against your shoulder and rub orpat your baby's back with your hand. Provide supportfor the baby's bottom and lower back with the other arm.
(ii) Face Down On Your Lap

Place your baby face-down on your lap with thehead resting on one leg and the stomach area overthe other leg. Support your baby with one handwhile patting, rubbing, or applying gentle pressureon the back with the other hand.

(iii) Sitting Up
Sit the baby in your lap with the body leaningforward. Support the chest and head with one handwhile patting the back with your other hand. If thereis no burp after 2 - 3 minutes, lean your baby backslightly with the chest as upright as possible. Thenpat, rub, or gently put pressure on the back. If gettinga burp takes longer than 5 minutes, continue to feed or stop as the baby's desires.

These are tried-and-true techniques. After a little experimentation you'll find which ones work best for your child. You might need to use all methods.

<Spitting Up>
Spitting up is another common occurrence during infancy. Sometimes spitting up means the baby has eaten more than her stomach can hold; sometimes she spits up while burping or drooling. Although it may be a bit messy, it's no cause for concern. It almost never involves choking, coughing, discomfort, or danger to your child, even if it occurs while she's sleeping.
Some babies spit up more than others, but most are out of this phase by the time they are sitting. A few "heavy spitters" will continue until they start to walk or are weaned to a cup. Some may continue throughout their first year.
You should be able to tell the difference easily between normal spitting up and true vomiting. Unlike spitting up, which most babies don't even seem to notice, vomiting is forceful and usually causes great distress and discomfort for your child. It generally occurs soon after a meal and produces a much greater volume than spitting up. If your baby vomits on a regular basis (one or more times a day), consult your pediatrician.
While it is practically impossible to prevent all spitting up, the following steps will help you decrease the frequency of these episodes and the amount spit up:
  • Make each feeding calm, quiet and leisurely.
  • Avoid interruptions, sudden noises, bright lights and other distractions during feedings.
  • Burp your bottle-fed baby at least every three to five minutes during feedings.
  • Avoid feeding while your infant is lying down.
  • Place the baby in an upright position in an infant seat or stroller immediately after feeding.
  • Do not jostle or play vigorously with the baby immediately after feeding.
  • Try to feed her before she gets frantically hungry.
Excerpted from "Caring for Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5", Bantam 1999

Others :

Learn to Cope with a Crying Child

Monday, January 21, 2008

Little Kong ~

Mum selected a few name for our baby boys.

I have decided & happy to annouce that their names are ...

江炫乐 for elder brother and
江宥乐 for younger brother

Both are very good name with nice meaning...
We will guide and raise them to be good man.
The rest, we will have to leave it to them to shape their own destiny.
It will be a limitless future.

About Kong /

Meaning of

乐 _ Happy. To live a happy life

名利双收 Fame and Fortune

英敏多才 Intelligent & Smart

吉祥昌隆 Auspicious and Flourishing

子孙兴旺 Prosperous to many generations to come

_ forgiving and generous

清荣享福 Success

福禄双收 Wealthy and Healthy

财旺生官 Thriving and Abundance

吉祥昌隆 Auspicious and Flourishing

炫 _ To shine on others

高贵伶俐 Noble

清雅秀气 Gentlemen

勤俭励业 Hardworking

隆昌荣贵 Prosperous, Good Fortune and Abundance

The origin of "Kong" Chinese Sirname 江姓起源



据唐人林宝所著《元和姓纂》记载:嬴姓,颛顼元孙伯益之后,爵封于江,后为楚所灭,以国为氏。颛顼,为古帝名,是五帝之一,相传是黄帝之孙;元孙即玄 孙,颛顼的玄孙伯益,是舜时东夷部落的首领,因助禹治水有功,禹要让位给他,他避居箕山之北(箕山位于河南省登封县东南)。伯益的后代大约于商朝或西周初 期受封建立江国。据考证,古江国的国都位于今河南正阳县附近。春秋时,江国介于楚、宋、齐三国势力之间,经常受这些大国操纵,加之淮水泛滥,往往淹没江国 的中心地带,所以江国一直没能强盛起来,最后被楚国灭掉。江国灭亡后,其子孙流落各地,并以国为氏,将江姓世代承袭了下来。可见江氏是伯益的后代,因 其始祖伯益为嬴姓,故江氏源于嬴姓。



因为江氏发源于河南正阳,所以早期主要是在河南发展繁衍。亡国后的江氏子孙,先从正阳向北逃到淮阳(今属河南),后又迁至济阳考城(今河南兰考),并在此 发展成为名门望族,故江氏以济阳淮阳为郡号。据记载,江国灭亡后,还有一部分江国子孙逃到齐(今山东临淄一带)。此后,江姓在河南、山东立足 后,又向四处繁衍发展,迁播到全国各地。唐初,江姓人迁到福建落籍;宋代,江氏大规模南迁到浙江、江西、福建、广东等地。明清时期,有的江氏族人跟随郑成 功入台湾,在台湾定居,后来又有人移居海外。

在中国历史上,江姓名人辈出,如汉代以传授《诗经》、《谷梁春秋》闻名的大江公;因精于《诗经》被誉为鲁诗之宗的江翁;西晋人江蕤,任谯郡太守,其子 湛,官侍中、吏部尚书;南朝时人江淹,历仕南朝宋、齐、梁三代,梁时官至金紫光禄大夫,封醴陵侯,以文章见称于世,世称江郎,晚年诗文无佳句,时人谓之才 尽,遂有江郎才尽之典故;南朝梁时考城人江革,任御史中丞,敢于弹劾权贵,以廉洁见称;南朝陈时的文学家江总,历仕南朝梁、陈、隋三朝,陈时官至尚书 令;宋朝人江参,擅长山水画,存世作品有《千里江山图》等;清朝人江永,精研音韵,兼通历算地理,考释古代名物制度多有创见;清朝江苏元和人江声,精于训 诂,著有《尚书集注音疏》;其孙江沅,著有《说文释例》、《说文解字音韵表》;清朝江苏人江藩,博综群经,精于训诂,旁及诸子佛老,著述颇丰;清朝还有诗 人江湜、音韵学家江有诰、将领江忠源等。当代,前中共中央总书记江泽民更是江姓中杰出的代表。



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