Monday, July 30, 2007

YouTube Google MySpace DailyMotion iFilm Metacafe Movie Video Download

Tried to download and save the video to your computer/laptop?

Its easy!

Use VideoDownloader

Either you paste the video link here >

Or download the Firefox Extension and use it directly from your Firefox browser

It is a small icon on the status bar at the bottom of your firefox window, and a toolbar button. Just click that and download the video you are watching !

How do I playback the videos I downloaded from YouTube/Google/IFilm etc?

Step 1 : - make sure the extension is .flv
- Find the downloaded file and change the file extension to .flv
- Eg 'get_video.html' -> 'videoABC.flv'
- If there is no extension, then simply add .flv to the filename

Use VLC Player or FLV Player to open the file

How do I convert video I downloaded from YouTube/Google to other file format?
Use SUPER or Riva FLV Encoder
Here is the Tutorial

How do I download streaming medias/files?

Install and run SDP. It allows you save streaming files
Here is the Tutorial

I can't play a video

Download and Install K-Lite Codec Pack
It is a collection of codecs and related tools for playing all your movie files.
It includes the best player: Media Player Classic.

Real Alternative will allow you to play RealMedia files without having to install RealPlayer/RealOne Player.

QuickTime Alternative will allow you to play QuickTime files (.mov, .qt and other extensions) without having to install the official QuickTime Player. It also supports QuickTime content that is embedded in webpages.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hitman Pro - Free Download - Spyware Protection Software Review

Hitman Pro - Free Download - Spyware Protection Software Review ( Netherlands Product )

It is a Freeware tool combines the best anti spyware software to fight adwares & spyware.

There are none of the anti-spyware programs that can remove all spyware. Hence, a combination of two programs is recommended !

This is exactly what Hitman Pro does: it combines Ad-Aware SE, SpyBot Search & Destroy, Spy Sweeper, Spyware Doctor, CWShredder, Spyware Blaster, NOD32, Sysclean package.

Most of the included programs are freeware. Some of these programs are limited trial editions of commercial programs, and the user can decide to switch these off after the trial period

【下载】荷兰反间谍软件, 杀毒软件 Hitman Pro
- 荷蘭最受歡迎的間諜軟體清除大師
- 可调用数个反间谍同时系统扫描
- Hitman Pro 是一款免費的反間諜軟體,它能夠幫助使用者掃瞄自己的電腦中是否含有間諜程式或是木馬等會造成使用者資料外洩的源頭,幫助使用者將這些危險的因素一一移除,還給使用者一個安全的使用環境。

Hitman Pro的扫描可通过自动配置调用数个反间谍软件同时进行系统扫描,当然你必须在Hitman Pro的选项里选择这些反间谍程序(安装),如果你不想安装其中的某个反间谍程序,可在选项里取消。在卸载 Hitman Pro 时,同时会一起卸载这些被安装的反间谍软件。
Ad-Aware SE 1.06 Personal (Freeware),
Professional Lavasoft Spybot Search & Destroy 1.4 (Freeware)
Spyware Doctor 3.2 Lite version
PC Tools CWShredder 2.15 (Freeware)
SpywareBlaster 3.4 (Freeware)
NOD32AntiThreat 2.5
Eset Sysclean Package (Freeware)
Trend Micro SuperDAT VirusScan

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